@echo off :: FLASH_FIX.BAT created 20070720 by wmc, Iterate Pte Ltd :: This program creates a trust file for Macromedia Flash content :: which is required in order to present Flash content from a CD :: or from the local hard disk, due to Flash security settings. :: 20080222 by wmc, updated for readability (use GEQ to test for errors) :: initialise presets for trust file and directory set fp_trust_filename=itr8_trustfile.cfg set fp_trust_directory="%userprofile%\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#Security\FlashPlayerTrust" :: create directory for trust file, if it doesn't exist (affects only the current user account) if /i not exist %fp_trust_directory%\* md %fp_trust_directory% :: remove any existing trust file (and reset the errorlevel variable) if /i exist %fp_trust_directory%\%fp_trust_filename% del %fp_trust_directory%\%fp_trust_filename% :: write trust file for current directory (eg- root folder of removable drive) echo # allow Flash content in named folders and subdirectories > %fp_trust_directory%\%fp_trust_filename% if /i not "%cd%" == "" echo %cd% >> %fp_trust_directory%\%fp_trust_filename% if %ERRORLEVEL% geq 1 goto :flashfix_err2 :: to be proactive, uncomment next line to add other likely removable drives (eg- 'd', 'e' and 'f') :: for %%d in (d e f) do if /i not "%cd%" == "%%d:\" echo %%d:\ >> %fp_trust_directory%\%fp_trust_filename% if %ERRORLEVEL% geq 1 goto :flashfix_err2 echo Successfully created Flash Player trust file. goto :flashfix_exit :flashfix_err1 echo There was an error in creating the directory %fp_trust_directory%. goto :flashfix_exit :flashfix_err2 echo There was an error in creating or updating the file %fp_trust_directory%\%fp_trust_filename%. goto :flashfix_exit :flashfix_exit set fp_trust_filename= set fp_trust_directory= echo. exit